I know it's been a while, but I've learned to stop feeling bad about it all, I'm a busy and as they say, important man. Because being busy must mean you're important, as important people are very busy. Ah good old circular logic, I missed you!
Things are quiet on the home front, a lot less, I suppose the word is, unstressed, from last time. I've come to grips with most things, lost hold on others, and still whirling around some other things, but all in all, that's what life is usually, so I feel rather normal.
Writing is going well, working on a couple of new projects, and just submitted a show proposal to a company downtown, for their annual playwriting contest. Here's hoping, right? I'm doing a final final draft of Fallen, which goes up in less then a month, and working on a new one act play for my playwriting class, which I'll tell you, is titled, "Schrodinger's Coffin." (Copyright).
You'll see . . .
Work goes well, and steady. Classes are all really awesome, and residential life work is good for the most part. I am gaining better reflexes, as Mikela feels the need to turn the office into a war zone from time to time. I know not many people will throw rubber ducks at me in this life, but for the moment, I am skilled in dodging them. Fear me.
I'm still applying to be an RA next semester and I'm excited for it. Will it be busy and hectic with my schedule the way it is? Oh fuck yea! But will it be worth it? I sure hope so!
And I suppose that's it-- wait, it's what day?
Hmmmm, well I suppose I'll touch on this briefly . . .
It's right now 18 minutes into Valentine's Day. My thoughts you may be wondering?
Well, this is my third Valentine's day that I have been single. Does it suck? Yes. Is it heart-crushingly depressing? Eh, not really. Do I regret not having a special someone to buy roses and a pony for? No.
Because it'll happen when it happens. I don't see February 14th come up on the calender, and run out to the Girlfriend Store, just so I can be not lonely. Besides, the Girlfriend Store is expensive . . . And also because, I'm NOT lonely.
WHAT?! On this the day of loving a special someone, just ONE someone, and you don't have ANYONE to spend money on at all and you DON'T CARE?!
Uh, yea . . . because Valentine's Day is not just the, "buy stuff for your girlfriend only," day. It's the, "show everyone you love how much you care day, and if you happen to have a girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, husband, lover, it's preferable you show them the most appreciation," kind of day.
So naysayers of the world, they who live by the label hallmark and brand the price of eternal love at $2.99, I will say this: Valentine's Day is to show the love for all, not just one, and especially not on who can spend the most. In fact, how bout a challenge? Take the time this year, to show your Valentine how much you care for them, WITHOUT money. Try that out.
So a Happy Valentine's Day to my parents, my brothers, Bema, Papa, my sister Jesse and to all my friends at home, school and abroad. And to Matt Leonard, cause you can't spell bromance, without bro!
Please enjoy this exclusive interview with Cupid by my friend Mike Russell.
Happy V-Day folks.
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