The goal?
Write a 50,000 word novel within those thirty days.
I'm sure your faces are like this
or this
or this
Yes that man has a pimple next to his nose. Look closely. It's called a question mark.
I've always wanted to do something like this, I have. My excuse was always, "I'm so busy!"
Well, I'm ALWAYS busy. So I figured it was time to shut up, and start writing.
So over the course of the month, I'll be writing a lot. Not just Nano, but school stuff, and hopefully blog stuff as I keep you updated on what I'm doing and how I'm doing.
I'll be working on a project called Underfoot.
Wish me luck!
More on my life to come!
Doing NaNo, Marty? Best of luck! I'm thinking about doing it too. ^_^