I still love it, I do. The atmosphere is impeccable; you can taste the darkness in the air, the slight hint of something being off. As though something has bridged this world, this night, and some other place, that is slightly more off then this one. A world of frights and ghouls, a place where a whisper in the wind is more a living thing then a breeze, a place where pumpkins cast looks of wariness and authority, backlit by crimson and orange light. It's a time to let your mischief run wild, become the impostor, release the Id, let loose the shackles you hold on indecency and craziness and let yourself run into the night.
Now, I'm done waxing poetic, but that's my take on Halloween; it's a time of dressing up by dressing down, of offering an ultimatum to uncertain individuals. "Trick Or Treat," = "Give Us Candy Or Else." Though that's been toned down a day due to terrorism scares and economic collapse, the basic message is the same for all you kids . . . until you hit your teenage years.
It's strange, who wouldn't love dressing up and walking around at night with friends being given basically free food? Don't they realize that this is the kind of scheme third world countries would die for? How could you ever think for a moment, "I'm getting way too old for this."
Because at some point along the line, for 80% of the teenage population, Halloween becomes two different things. For guys, it's who can do the most damage, and for girls, it's who can show the most skin and still be legally allowed outside and not solicited as a lady of the night. This holiday of trickery, mayhem and sugar rushes turns into one of debauchery and scantily clad ladies!
Not that I mind all of this, a little bit is fine, because we do grow older, and guys want to mess around, and girls want to flaunt what they got, I understand. But seriously, ladies and gents? Wrapping caution tape around your breasts, IS NOT A COSTUME! Wearing shorts so short you can feel the hem when you cough IS NOT A COSTUME! And gents c'mon, I'm all for a good time, but pulling the fire alarm at 4 in the morning isn't fun, it's goddamn stupid.
I don't know . . . maybe it's me who is behind the times. I'm still sitting waiting for the Great Pumpkin while Pig Pen and Charlie get into a drunken brawl down on Ontario because Pig Pen hit on his little sister . . . (Yes, I just matured and ruined classic, iconic characters of our past because it drives home a point.)
But I don't care. I know enough of the 20% that still loves free food and good company and I'm not giving up on Halloween. Sure, maybe twenty years down the road I should consider maybe not doing it, but I have a feeling when I'm married and I have kids, I'll be dressing up too and trick-or-treating with them. Either that or imposing a Daddy Candy Tax, you know, like the British did.
Either way, I'll be enjoying Halloween. And hope all of you do as well.
Happy Halloween Internet. I really do like the Myspace costume.
It's super scary.
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