Hope all is well with all of you. I'm doing well, just plodding onwards and upwards with all things in my life. Tonight I feel like I should be busy but I'm not . . . it's a strange feeling, being so busy then coming up with a day when you are not, I feel like I need to be doing something, so I'm here.
A train of thought pulled into the station tonight and I wanted to explain it to y'all, if anyone's interested. If you're not then just sit there patiently and then we'll do what you want to do.
I have two friends, both of them were great friends with each other; great friends with me as well, but these two clicked in a way only found among legos or remote controls. And then college happened. And then more things happened. And now they are no longer friends.
One wants to make peace, the other does not. It's a strange thing to watch, to see the battle but not be of it. It is a regrettable thing to see happen and it really does sadden me to think that this can happen to the best of us. That even the best of us together can be torn apart by the worst of human sentiments.
And they know that this isn't a judgment in them, that's not me. But to me, friendship is an organic thing. It is neither by the will of one or the other as to where it goes. It's a marriage, a polygamous one, yeah, but a marriage nonetheless. Actions, decisions, thoughts, events occur not by the will of one, but of two.
So I sit here scratching my head, when now, months later, one extends the olive branch and asks for new beginnings, maybe even a hello. And I tear that hair out when the other refuses, blaming her reasons on some weird code or arrangement she believes she is following. And maybe ultimately, that is better for them. But I say again, things can never change among two people, two friends, unless they are both willing to come out and extend their hands to each other, trusting that this time will be better.
So that's what I got to say about that.
In other news I am trying to get back to the gym, sweating my demons out, (oh Marty that was your title! - Yes I know I am SO smart). It sucks and it's terrible, but hell, it's what I got to do. And I know if Mike was here he'd kick me in the groin and throw me out a window if he learned I had no time for it.
I know, I'm exaggerating.
Anywho, off to do some writing. Is it homework? Is it fun-work? SPIN THE WHEEL AND FIND OUT!
You bet your ass i would! But im sort of bordering on lazy fuck here myself so i dont blame you too too much. But still!