Set off the fireworks. Bring out the wine, woman, and begin the song. Light up the coals and kill the fattened calf. Bring forth my minstrels and dancers. Come out my wise men and storytellers. Bring me my grapes and fruits and foods of all nations. Perfume me with scented oils and proclaim me a god over all mankind!
Alright, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit.
I am home and it feels good to be home. I've gotten some writing done, I've been to the gym, seen friends, started work at brookstone, had our cookie bonanza, went to Albertus, christmas shopping goes well, and yeah . . . it's nice to be home.
It is a bit strange though. Like, how my bed is infinitely more comfortable then my college bed. How Brendan still upholds his rules of delegations, however inane they may be at times. And how I don't recognize half the students at Albertus and the freshmen look like they just popped out of the womb.
But regardless we're home, I'm home. And I'm enjoying it.
A quick reminder that the Worldbuilders Fundraiser is still going on over at Pat Rothfuss' blog, you can check it out here:
It's for a great cause, and hey, you might get something neat and awesome and fantastical out of it, aside from the warm fuzzy feeling of, hey I just made it possible for a family to thrive and survive.
Also, I am posting this because holy macaroni is it funny and retro-tastic.
Yo imbed the video fool!