Yes, that's what I've learned. I have a mandatory party to go to tonight. Ha, I don't mind, I went to the last one, but not everyone did so I understand the mandatoryness of it all. I just imagined this scenario . . .
"You having a good time? Enjoying the food?"
"Yeah, I uh . . . I actually don't eat food too oft--"
At that point it slowly devolves into an epic fantastical battle between the forces of good and evil but hey, what in my mind doesn't?
Also, I learned, even if there is a plastic bag separating the individuals items, if you keep a piece of bread on top of a dryer sheet, that bread WILL absorb that oh so DELICIOUS flavor of dryer sheet. Guess who had a nice delicious laundry-peanut butter- and jelly sandwich just now?
Finals are all done. Fall 2009 Semester is all done. We just need to close up the quad tomorrow and then I'm home for a good five weeks, home to work, go to the gym, sleep, see friends and write my brains out. Because it's time to get my life in shape.
This semester I've learned a lot, I think I have. I've learned how to balance running an improv group, and a theatre group, and write a two act play, while working for residential life and taking five classes and still managing to sleep and see friends. I've learned that the beauty of playwriting comes at the beginning and I suppose the end, because right now it sucks to be in the middle.
I learned sometimes you got to man up and do what you have to do; also that there are certain girls you deal with crazy for, and certain girls ya don't. I learned cyberpunk is a lot more then matrix, and eugene ionesco is a crazy ass playwright. I learned it's fun to be a helicopter, how to make the perfect burger, and when Ralph Dibny is a resurrected zombie with a mace and his best friend by him, he can be a real dick.
Toy Story still holds up after all these years, Reel Big Fish is even better in real life then I suspected, and Rand will be okay in the end. I've learned how to fall on my back, my side, and my face, and that a hook-up only works when you feel something more then physical, (doesn't make it less awesome though). Aquaman is still lame as an old man, Sketchys should never be given a chance to party in a place the school can be held responsible, but we're still gonna do it =]
And that as hectic and jumbled and crazy as this semester was, it was still extremely enjoyable.
Hell yeah.
Duh, Marty. You're obligated to PARTY.