Saturday, October 2, 2010

Junior Year: The Year Time Ceased To Exist

This title isn't meant to be depressing, just realistic.

I have zero time for most anything. Sleeping, reading, eating, jogging, playing, and sometimes that includes blogging.

So you'll have to excuse these past two months of absence. (You don't have to though, I'm just asking nicely.)

But it's been a while, hasn't it? Course it has.

Let me fill you in on life, in the form of rhyme:

Camp Scuffy ended, however bittersweet
To Albany I went, my staff to meet

Training ensued, where we learned and we played
And I stood in front of a tower and danced for eight hours
on magical move-in day!

When my voice returned and my limbs stopped screaming
My residents, all forty of them, I started meeting
Most are great and I love 'em all
Just not when they smoke in their rooms, or party in the halls

But that's alright, nothing to do
Except lay down my authority and trust them to be smart
Cause most have common sense in their heart

Theatre's been popping, it's been my scene
Got three big show's going on, know what I mean?
New show opened last night, to some laughs and applause
Actors did well, family enjoyed, then sat and suffered for two more hours
(I know that didn't rhyme, shush)

Next week I get to play a cokehead
And then in December, I avenge my family
Against the Scottish tyrant, Macbeth

Sketchy Characters, my comedy family on campus
Are as awesome as ever. It's a big year
And awesomeness is in the air.

And that's about it. Family is well, school is awesome, job is well, theatre is well and sketchys are great, writing is getting done (eventually ha), and yeah . . . sorry this is so late. I've never been good at keeping a blog. I'll try to be better. Specifics coming soon on specific things!

Happy 50th blog post, Blog!!


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