Monday, August 24, 2009

Party Time

Many of you may know, yesterday was the 1 week anniversary of this blog. I did not update; instead I hired a babysitter and the Blog and I went out for a night on the town.

It was pleasant, we went to a new greek place on central. Tried some weird lamb thing, I didn't like it, the Blog did though, so as long as someone liked it . . .

Saw Inglorious Basterds again. I told the Blog so much about it, it wanted to see it for itself. Liked it, not as much as me, but still enjoyed it.

Then came home, kids were happy. Even had a few minutes to catch up with the babysitter. Bacon Crisp is good with the kids.

Okay, food on Indian Quad, later!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Martin -- just one question for you: how do you feel about having your 40-something year old aunt and 60-someting year old uncle reading your blog??!

    You are one amazing guy, Martin! Love you, JET
